Saturday, November 19, 2011

Day 19


: my sorority, Delta Zeta.

I have blogged about Delta Zeta before, but last night was initiation and knowing that my time with these girls is coming to an end when I graduate has made me really sad, and thankful that I've had it. Without Delta Zeta I wouldn't have some of the most important people in my life. Maegan, my roommate, my Big sis, Nicole (in the picture below!), and my littles, Amanda, Melissa and Justine (and that's only the ones in my family, there are many more). I also wouldn't have any of my guy friends, that I met all through the Greek system, and I wouldn't have had any of the amazing experiences I've had while here at CSUN. I am so so glad I went greek. DKZ <3

(above: Nicole and I at my Big Sis reveal. below: Maegan and I with our newest littles at their initiation last night).

(below: me with my first 2 littles, Amanda and Melissa at their initiation last fall).

(below: me with my pledge class, yes that's really all of us, we were tiny).

Tonight is our date party event and I am so excited! Happy Weekend!

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