Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Day 28, 29 & 30 (yes, I am very behind!)


Day 30: "Christmas" in 2 places! (and our neighbors)

On Monday night, Maegan and I, along with our neighbors who are also dear friends, Keifer and Yana, helped us put up and decorate our Christmas tree in the apartment.. and even though we won't actually get to have Christmas at our apartment I'm happy that we get to have a tree up! I am also very thankful for these neighbors of ours. They were good friends before we moved in but now we spend much more time together. I love being able to walk two doors down and know that the door will be unlocked and I can just walk in and hang out! It's been a joy living so close to them.

Day 29: my Mom

I know I've already blogged about my mom and my family and gooshed and gushed about how much they mean to me, but I have to goosh just for a sec about my mom. I am 22-years-old and I will openly admit that I talk to my mom everyday at least once, but usually more than that. I love my mom, she is the one person, other than Amanda, that I know I can go to for anything! If I need to vent, tell a random story, have a melt down, talk about ideas or worries, that's her! I love that we have the relationship that we have, and I am very confident that no matter where I live, or how old I get we will always be close.

Day 28: motivation and inspiration

This weekend ended with me going to church with my family. I have attended other churches while down here in LA, but there's nothing like your home church. The sermon was perfect. It really got me to think about my relationship with God and how I tell people about it, and I realized I need to get better at it. The sermon really encouraged me to work more on myself, and my relationship with God, and on growing to become the woman He has planned for me to be. I am so greatful that I can be home again this weekend for the Christmas musical.

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