Friday, November 18, 2011

Day 17 & 18


: my church and my home.

I am so thankful for the church I have back home. I have gone there my entire life and i've been missing it a lot lately. Whenever I'm home I try to go and I cannot wait to be able to go as much as I can over Christmas break.

I'm also very thankful for my home. I am so so so beyond excited to be there on Wednesday night for Thanksgiving, AND that Casey is going to be there! (I could say so much more about my home, but i've written alot about it in the past, so I think you all get the idea..)

: phones.

As much as there are times that my phone is blowing up and I just want to hide it and be in "real-life," if it wasn't for my phone, I wouldn't be able to call/text my Mom and Amanda Noel and Casey, or anybody for that matter. So I am very happy that I have it.

Happy Friday!

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