Monday, November 7, 2011

Day 7


: the holidays!
(first of all, I am so sorry that my last few posts were so short, and didn't include my "30 days of Thankfulness" or my linking up, I went to Las Vegas for the weekend for Maegan's 21st birthday and it was INSANE! so I did what I could to post from my phone.) Anyway! The holidays have always been my favorite time of year. In my home town, it is always cold (or at least cold enough for jackets and boots) and sometimes even rainy and that is my favorite weather! (I'm actually not a big fan of the heat at all, believe it or not).
The holidays always bring along lots and lots of laughs with my crazy family..

and lots of pretty decorating. It's a big deal for us to put up all the Christmas decorations in my house, it pretty much needs an entire day (maybe 2) to get it all up!

My brothers always get in the best holly-jolly moods. We always partake in traditions that we have had almost my whole life and we always have the best time doing them!

(I know i've posted this picure on a blog, or two, before.. but it's probably one of my favorit pictures of our family, EVER.)

Grandpa with Cameron's favorite gift from last year.
This is our very Christmas(y) front door during Christmas time!

Last year our cousins were able to come out from Colorado for Christmas and New Years and it was INSANE!! We had 5 extra people staying at my house, but it seriously completed the holidays. My cousin Nolan (below in the red) is probably one of the funniest people on the planet and my cousing Chelsea (the one with her mouth wide open) and I are sooo much alike it's scary.
Cameron was so stoked on this hat! He wanted it so badly and was so happy to have gotten it that i'm pretty sure he wore it every day for a month after Christmas.. and I'm not exaggerating.

Thanksgiving is in only 16 days and I am sooooooooo excited!! Casey will be home from Florida and it will officially kick off the holiday season! I cannot wait!

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