Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Some Maybe's and Some Letters..

I was inspired today to do some "Maybe's" and some "Letters" by the beautiful Amanda Noel and Becca Mann! So here they are...

Maybe I cannot wait for next Wednesday.

Maybe I want to just lay around and watch Christmas movies all day.

Maybe I am starting to freak out a little bit about graduating.

Maybe I'm thinking that making it to graduation is going to be the death of me.

Maybe I haven't gone a day this week without crying at least once.

Maybe I have lots of writing to do in the next week.

Maybe I am wanting to diet but don't have time to focus on it.

Maybe all the engagements and beautiful relationships around me are making me feel lonely.


Dear Christmas break,

please get here fast.

Dear Lord,

thank you for being there for me to talk to as I fall asleep.

Dear future,

I'm doing everything in my power to set you up well.

Dear degree,

please don't wipe me out before I get to graduation.

Dear body,

I will give you the attention you need as soon as I can.

Dear books,

I know there are many of you I want to read, I will do my best to get to you over the break.

Dear (home) bed,

thank you for providing me with much needed rest these last two weekends.

Dear Pinterest,

thank you for being there for me when I need a break, you make me happy.

almost there! Merry Christmas all!

(can you tell I can't wait for break??)

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