Saturday, December 31, 2011

Looking back at 2011!

I took this idea from the best friend. I am going to take a look back at 2011 via my little blog!

In January I was just starting to get the hang of this little blog thing.

In February I decided to kick-start my blogging my doing "30 Days of Blogging."

In March I started the "Green Dress Challenge" where I decided to start losing some weight (still working on this, it's a constant challenge) and met one of my "Idol's" (or American Idol that is).

In April I fell in love.

In May I had my first experience traveling along and got stuck in Dallas overnight, and my life (and my perspective on life) was changed forever when my roommate lost her father to cancer.

In June I committed to growing up and doing better in school.

In July I turned 22 and "completed" my "Green Dress Challenge" when I could finally fit into the dress I was wanted to wear, and wore it to a Jason Aldean concert!

In August I reflected on the summer and said goodbye to my little brother when he moved to Florida.

In September my heart was broken and I turned to God and family and friends and made a full recovery!

In October we celebrated 2 Murray birthday's and officially took my life back.

In November I blogged for 30 days about what I was thankful for.

and in December I reflected on my college experience I found out my graduation date and celebrated Christmas with my family.

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