Tuesday, January 31, 2012



1) What does it say?

2) What does it mean?
Verse 8 says this, "I will lie down and sleep in peace, for you alone, O Lord, make me dwell in safety."

3) What does it mean to me?
This reminds me of something I've been thinking about a lot lately. God isn't going anywhere. No matter what! No matter what happens, no matter who leaves you, no matter where you are... God is there! (And it gets better!) God is the only, I mean the only person in the world that cannot be taken away from you. So when you feel completely alone, or don't feel safe, or you are feeling lonely.. talk to God, he's there.. and that brings me peace everyday! 

Monday, January 30, 2012

Remembering the MySpace days..

The best friend tagged me in this crazy thing, I decided to do it! It reminded me of those surveys we did in the "MySpace" days. Love it!
The Rules
1. You must post the rules. (And link up who tagged you.)
2. Post eleven fun facts about yourself on the blog post.
3. Answer the questions the tagger set for you in their post, and then create eleven new questions to ask the people you've tagged.
4. Tag eleven people and link them on your post.
5. Let them know you've tagged them!
11 Facts about me:
(these will be listed in the order that they pop into my head)
1. My eyes are insanely blue.
2. If I could go back, I'd be a theatre major.
3. I could quote almost the whole movie of "The Sandlot" ...but really.
4. I am the loudest person a lot of people can say they know.
5. I am going to be a high school English teacher.
6. In the next 8 months I am going to be in 2 weddings, for 2 Amanda's.
7. I wish I liked to read enough to read all the books I want to read.
8. I could watch non-stop episodes of Law and Order: SVU all day.
9. When I wear a lot of eye make-up my (small) Japanese heritage becomes very apparent. 
10. (as a teacher) I want to wear dresses and heels every day.
11. When I have kids, I hope to have a boy first.
Questions from Amanda Noel:
1. What is your favorite childhood memory?
Oh wow, I have no idea how to answer this.... as soon as I read this question the first thing that came to mind was a flood of memories from the first house I lived in.
2. If you could only eat one kind of sandwhich for the rest of your life, what would it be?
I think....... probably turkey, ham, cheese (either swiss or provolone), lettuce, mayo/mustard, on toasted sourdough bread. (I make super yummy sandwiches).
3. What is your favorite book?
I think my favorite book it "Mommywood" by Tori Spelling. (don't make fun!)
4. What is your favorite Christmas song?
Probably "This Christmas" or "I'll be Home for Christmas."
5. What inspires you?
My favorite teachers from high school, and theatre.
6. Who is your favorite historical figure?
ummmmm sadly... I don't know...
7. What movie could you watch over and over again?
8. What is one lesson you've learned from your parents?
Because they've already been through it.... they know. They are always right.
9. What is your dream vacation?
I want to go to the Atlantis resort in the Bahamas... ever since the Mary-Kate and Ashley movie "Holiday in the Sun." 
10. What is one item on your bucket list?
to be in a Broadway musical
11. Why do you keep a blog?
It's a place to vent... a place to keep an online journal with pictures!
My questions for the people I've tagged!
1. Where were you born?
2. If you could buy a plane ticket to anywhere, where would you go?
3. Is there something in the world that you want to do but fear is holding you back?
4. When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?
5. Is there a certain tv show you could watch all day long?
6. What are your most comfortable shoes?
7. How many kids do you want to have? Thoughts on adoption?
8. What is the most original Halloween costume you've had?
9. If you could eat one thing for one meal a day for the rest of the year what would it be?
10. What's your favorite verse?
11. What is your favorite genre of music and why?
Bloggers I'm tagging:
(i'm only tagging one person... just because).

the good 'ol 90's

Remember this? I had said that over Christmas break I wanted to start watching old movies. Those classic chick flicks that girls are always watching.. in chick flicks. Well my Grandma gave me "Gone with the Wind" for Christmas, which fits right into this category, but I haven't been able to dedicate enough time to watching it yet. But two movies that I did watch over break (that believe it or not, I had not seen before) were "You've Got Mail" (1998) and "Father of the Bride" (1991). Ok, I know these aren't thhhhatt old, but 1991 is the year my younger brother was born and he's 20, so that's a little old, right? Anyway, these are both brilliant 90's chick flicks that I watched with the Mann girls (my best friend and her sisters) over break and they were shocked that I hadn't seem them. I loved them, they were both absolutley adorable movies and it made me wish we had never advanced passed the 90's (and good 'ol dial-up internet). Who doesn't miss having to get off the internet because their parents were waiting on an important phone call? Gotta love it.

I will get to more of these types of movies in good time. I love them, I really do, I just need someone to sit down and watch them with me!

Three. (i'll explain)


Ok. Yes, this "Psalm A Day" challenge was supposed to be a Psalm a day, but things have been absolutely insane since the best friend and I decided to start this. Since Day 2 I have had to finish an online class (which because of all the Christmas festivities I was very behind on), I was working my last few shifts of my break, was spending as much time with Amanda Noel and her family (and fiance) as possible before I had to go back to school, then I had to pack my life into bags and go back to LA. I have completed my first week of my last semester of college and things are looking like they will work out accordingly but it is going to be a challenge. So here I am, home again, (it was the best friends Engagement party so I came home for the weekend), and I am here to tell you that rather than putting Psalms 3-20 (or so, I think that's what day I should be on) into one post, I am just going to pick up on day three and go forth on this challenge.

1) What does it say?

2) What does it mean?
Verse 1-4 says this, "O Lord, how many are my foes! How many rise up against me! Many are saying of me, 'God will not deliver him. But you are a shield around me, O Lord; you bestow glory on me and lift up my head. To the Lord I cry aloud, and he answers me from him holy hill." This is coming from King David, who at the time this was written, was running from his son Absalom and the army he had formed to kill him. David was scared, feeling like the minority, and fearing his life. So...

3) What does it mean to me?
When I first read this chapter I didn't know it's context. I didn't know that story of what was going on with King David at the time this was written, so I will tell you what it means to me out of context (and even within it's context, really). "How many rise up against me! Many are saying of you, 'God will not deliver him. But you are a shield around me..." There are times that as a Christian, I feel like the minority, I feel like if I am LOUD about who I am as a Christian, people will judge me, scrutinize me every action, and think of me differently. I feel as though the people who aren't on "my side" are against me. It's like they are actually saying "God will not deliver you;" but I know, for a fact, and have experienced God's deliverence. I should know that I should be able to walk up to any person I ever meet and say "Hi, I'm Corinne and I'm a Christian." Ok, maybe I shouldn't just say that, that'd be a little socially awkward, but I shouldn't be scared too, that's what God calls us to do and we need to know that he will be a shield around us. He is our #1 cheerleader and our #1 fan.

Ok, I'm back at this challenge, so tomorrow, I will post Psalm 4. Happy Monday!

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

yes I know..

I know I am 12 days behind on my Psalm a day, and no I didn't forget about it, I've been thinking about it every day, but in these past 12 days I had to finish an online class, pack up and move back to school, and start this semester of school (where I am having to fight to get classes). I haven't even had time to post any of the blogs I'm wanting to post about the second half of my Christmas break.
Today was my first day of school, and struggling to try and add 2 more classes is proving itself to be a really frustrating thing. I just want to be in all the classes I need, for everything to be set in stone for graduation, and that I would know what is going to happen with the class I need over summer... OY!!! I just want to  
I promise that as soon as I get things organized I will catch up on my Psalms.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012


Maybe I have a lot of blogging to catch up on.
Maybe I haven't been blogging because I've been working on finishing a online class (and spending a lot of time with the bestie and her sisters).
Maybe the only reason I want to go back to LA is to see my roommate (starting a new semester right now sounds awful).
Maybe instead of working on this class all I really want to do it bake these brownies (see picture above).
ugh.. I'll catch up on some of the actual blogging I need to do as soon as I've made more of a dent in my class. 

Friday, January 13, 2012

day dreamin'

Back in June I posted this entry to my little blog, and although I was in a very different place in my life at the time, those are all still things I think about a lot. Lately with all of the wedding talk that has been going on (we are going with Amanda tomorrow to look for her dress), I've been thinking a lot about what my future husband and wedding will be like... 
 but more than that, I've been thinking about my future family and life. Amanda has been babysitting quite a bit lately and on a few different occasions I joined her, and let me tell you, between that, and watching the newest seasons of one of my favorite shows, "Tori and Dean: Home Sweet Hollywood," I cannot wait to have a family. 
When I think about (or daydream, rather) about what I picture my future life and family and home to be like, I think of a few things that I want... I want my home to be filled with God's love, with lightheartedness and fun spirits, I want to be able to play with my babies and my husband and watch Disney movies, I want my home to be filled with open arms, with music (being played on our own, and on the radio), with singing and dancing, with games, with family and friends. I want every Sunday to consist of church, going out or making lunch for my family and football (during football season that is) and lots of relaxing time together as we prepare for the next week. I want to be my husband and my kids best friend, and I honestly can't wait! 

no words can describe this story..

I found this story on Pinterest and it was the most moving thing I have read in a long time. It is powerful, heart wrenching, beautiful and inspiring. If you have a few minutes (and some tears) to spare, read this. It's amazing.

Thursday, January 12, 2012



1) What does it say?
2) What does it mean?
Because this chapter is so long, I'm going to mainly focus on verses 8, 11 and 12. Verse 8 says, "Ask me, and I will make the nations your inheritance, the ends of the earth your possession." Verse 11 and 12 say, "Serve the LORD with fear and celebrate his rule with trembling. Kiss his son, or he will be angry and your way will lead to your destruction, for his wrath can flare up in a moment. Blessed are all who take refuge in him."

3) What does it mean to me?
Verse 8 means that there is nothing you could ask God for that is too big. Whatever it is you ask him for he can give you. Does that mean that God is a magic genie and that he is only in our lives to grant our wishes? Of course not. A big lesson God has taught me in my life is that he has a plan, and he always has your back and at times it's your unanswered prayers that you end up being most thankful for. 
Verses 11 and 12 tell us to fear the LORD, but a good fear. He is all knowing, and all powerful, the beginning and the end and the only person in the whole world that no matter what will always be there and cannot be taken away from you. It also tells us that your way is not the way and that his way will bless you.

(2 down, 148 to go!)

this guy.

As of late, I have discovered Brett Dennen as a new favorite. We play him at work, Victoria's Secret, and I would always dance around the store when his stuff came on! I am quite a fan of his sound and his looks  make him even more fun! Enjoy. = ]

Wednesday, January 11, 2012



1) What does it say?

2) What does it mean?
This is talking about the difference between doing the right thing, and doing the wrong thing.. between Christ followers and those who do not know the Lord. It's talking about how people who know the Lord are blessed, and will prosper, and that God notices the differences between these two groups of people.

3) What does it mean to me?
This is a reminder and a bit of a wake-up call for me. I've been thinking a lot lately about the challenges of living as a Christ follower in a secular world and all the temptations that come along with it, and this reminds me that living under the law of the Lord can do nothing but good for me.

(1 day down, 149 to go!)

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

A Psalm a Day

The bestie and I are taking on another challenge. Just recently, back in November, we took on our "30 Days of Thankfulness" challenge, and back in the beginning of 2011 we did our "30 Days of Blogging!" and now we are onto our next challenge of "A Psalm a Day." We will be blogging each day about a different blog, there are 150 Psalms and we will be doing them in order. In blogging about them we will be answering these 3 questions we would often use in high school when going over scriptures; what does it say? what does it mean? what does it mean to me? I'm very excited to take on this challenge! Here we go!

Wedding Central!

I don't know if I've mentioned this too much, but I have two beautiful ladies in my life that are getting married in this next year and I'm a bridesmaid in both and I could not be more excited! Because I am quite close with both of these ladies, one being my best friend and the other being my little sis in DZ, I have been very much involved in helping them plan things!
So it's been talk of center pieces, food, dresses, music, decorations, color schemes, flowers, venues, dates, guest lists, engagement parties, and more!
I love all this kind of stuff! When I was little "The Wedding Planner" was my favorite movie, and I even considered it as a career for a while.. I have a ton of wedding magazines in my room that I've had forever (when I obviously haven't needed them).
I've been loving helping out my 2 dear friends and cannot wait for their days to arrive (one in July and one in September)! (I also don't mind getting ideas for my day, whenever that may be *wink*) Happy Tuesday!

Sunday, January 8, 2012

we fell down the rabbit hole!

There was a time I portrayed the Queen of Hearts in a fantastic photoshoot with several lovely ladies. The beauty and wonder of this concept was dreamed up by my friend Cassie and the pictures were captured by my best friends little sister Candace!

It was a fantastic experience and there are about 32 other photos to go along with our "Alice in Wonderland" theme! To see them visit Candance Mann's Photography page! I love this stuff.

i'm not that girl.

You know those girls that always look flawless, that act super proper, don't act like their real selves around guys (or a guy they like).. those girls who wouldn't dream of going outside without make-up? Those girls?.. I'm not that girl. It's become more and more apparent to me that the person I am is very... eccentric. I'm very loud.. I laugh very loud, I talk very loud, like people-can-hear-me-before-I-enter-a-room kinda loud. I don't think I need to be wearing a full face of make-up 100% of the time, I'm very sarcastic and I joke around a lot.. I have no problem walking up to someone I don't know and starting a conversation with them.. I'm a country girl, a sorority girl, a former cheerleader, a dancer (ballerina), a hippie, and a Christian. I'm selfish and sarcastic, I'm a listener and a giver.. I'm a rebel and an instigator and I'm selfless and compassionate. I'm a complicated girl... but I think life is way more fun like this. I wouldn't have it any other way.

getting back in shape!

On Thursday I went to a gym called "2 Steps Ahead" with my brother and I loved it! We did a lot of agility exercises, running and some punching/kickboxing type stuff and I felt so good afterwards! I'm not going to lie.. my legs still hurt, but I'm definitely going to go as much as I can for the rest of the time I'm here! Gotta reach that goal!and stay motivated!

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

So much out there!

I've been all over Pinterest lately, and my family and I have been all over the Food Network, and let me tell ya, I used to think that I preferred baking over cooking but between these two things (Pinterest and Food Network) I have been wanting to start cooking my life away! I want to try new recipes of all kinds and to make them as healthy as possible! I must start finding more time for this, or setting aside time rather, very very soon.
For Christmas I got my mom a new cookbook and it is filled with recipes that I want to try with her!
We also got my grandparents a soup cookbook (mmmmm soup) and my grandpa a Food Network cookbook, and there was a lot of very delicious looking recipes in those as well.
I'm a pretty good cook, but there is much more that I want to learn to do and cook! There are so many different types of food and cooking methods out there and I want to explore them all!

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

I need to figure this out..

I have a problem when it comes to money... talking about it, managing it, dealing with it.. and I need to change it. Right now, when I have to talk about money issues, this is how I feel..

and this is how I need to treat these issues... I need to work on this.