Tuesday, May 29, 2012

i love this.

I found out that this quote was actually not written or said by Shakespeare but actually by the poet/writer, Arrigo Boito. It is often misquoted as being Shakespeare... opps! Either way I like it. 

sounds like a plan.

Off to a good start..

Today is my first day of summer school classes (I'm taking two), and this professor is already proving himself to be a good time. 
At the start of class he dramatically opens and walks through the door before flashing a smile to the class (he's clearly gay), he then pulls out his computer and does a dramatic reading of "Introduction to Poetry" by Billy Collins before putting on some early house music.. 
about halfway through the song he turns it down and pulls up the syllabus to go over as a class.
This is his course description (copied right from the syllabus):

The Madness: What if existence is not a problem to be solved but a mystery to contemplate? What if the story of life has no clear beginning, middle, and end—no narrative arc? What if, instead, that story percolates out of a roiling cauldron of chaos? Perhaps, then, fiction and science are not separate enterprises but twin disciplines, conjoined by theories and probabilities instead of rules and resolutions. In that case, the writing workshop must be a laboratory of ceaseless experimentation where anything is possible and nothing is permitted. If you’re ready to embrace the paradox within that statement, then you’re ready for all the ambiguity inherent in English 408. First item in the Petri dish: must fiction make “sense” in order to create “meaning?”

I'm excited for this next 6 weeks.
Happy Summer!

Sunday, May 27, 2012

it's fine by me...

I love blogging about "new" artist. This is Andy Grammer he is fantastic... who is Andy Grammer you ask? In addition to what this video tells you... Andy Grammer graduated from CSUN in 2007! What?! Rad.
Maybe you've heard this song? I'm totally hooked, I love it. 
Check him out!

Friday, May 25, 2012

what happened?

I graduated. College! What?!
(I have way too much going through my head about all this right now... I'll go into more detail later)

This is a really really REALLY weird feeling... but I'm proud of myself.

Friday, May 18, 2012

I'm so excited I'm so excited I'm so excited!

On Monday I'm going to Disneyland with my cousin who's going to be here from out of state! 
I am so excited! 
I also had my last class EVER today, things are weird!

Friday, May 11, 2012

I don't want tomorrow to happen.

Tomorrow is the marathon of final directing scenes. 
All of our scenes are going up in one day (it takes about 45min. per person),
so we are having class during the day and into the evening...
(I'm in 2 scenes and my scene goes up last)
and when it's all over, it will be over
I don't want tomorrow to happen. 

ya.. somethin like that..

"There's a boy I know..."
Let's just say I've had my eye on the same boy for most of this year...
and I'm nearing the point of not being able to not tell him...
I think I need to say something. 

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

diving in face first.

This semester has been absolutely insane. 
I've been juggling 4 English classes and a directing class.  
This directing class is what has really taken over my semester, it's been my main focus and has taken up most of my spare time. It's been a once a week FRIDAY class, from 11-4 (seems really long right? I wouldn't change it for anything).
This class already requires a lot from you; each (advanced) director (it's a combo class of beginning and advanced) had to direct an "exercise" scene, meaning "action," "rhythm," or "picturization" (we got to choose which), a contemporary scene, a Chekhov scene (if you don't know who this is, well, he's difficult), and a final scene... and this isn't including the peer reviews and show reviews we were required to write (which also meant we had to see the shows!), and we are also required to act in 3 different scenes. 

Man I felt a little overwhelmed just trying to list all that!
It's a very needy class, but I have to say, I think it's been my favorite class of my college career. 
 This class has pushed me, moved me, thrilled me, inspired me and made me. 
This class is what solidified my decision to follow my passion and go into this industry.
Since the beginning of the semester I kind of dove in face first and was in every scene anyone asked me to be in. I wanted to do as much as I could. There were a few weeks where I had multiple projects going up at once and it was very hectic. 
From what I can remember off the top of my head I  
directed an "action scene" with my friend Anthony,
went up in a very last minute contemporary scene for my friend Alex,
was a lion in my friend Kathy's action scene,
struggled with quick transitions in an original "action" scene written by my friend Jessica, 
played with rhythm and beats in "Sure Thing" by David Ives,
got to be a little silly (and eat a whole cucumber) in "Cherry Orchard," am still working on "Uncle Vanya" by Chekhov...
(stay with me, there's more)
I filmed 2 scenes for a CTVA class, one from "American Beauty" and the other was from the TV show "Greek"...
last week I got to tap into my inner bitch in "Fat Pig" by LaBute,
I'm a psychiatrist "Juvie" by McDonough,
and a "wet blacket" in "Hooters" by Tally...
(phew.. still following? I told you it was nuts)
and FINALLY I've directed "Autobahn" by LaBute, "Three Sisters" by Chekhov 
and my final scene "How I Learned to Drive." 
(Just to throw it out there, I wanted to document this so that I can remember for myself, and to share).

It's been absolutely insane, but amazingly beautiful.
My professor, Larry Biederman, has given me so much. I can't really explain it, but just by running this class and making it what it has been, I am eternally grateful. I have such a respect for him. 
This class has changed me. 
As it's end has been quickly approaching, my heart has been slowly breaking. 
I don't want this to end. 

Friday, May 4, 2012

can I make the next 20 days last for a semester?

I am really struggling with the fact that Maegan and I are graduating in 20 (well I guess now, 19) days...
(more on this later)
but I really want to cry. I have an excitement but more of a deep deep sadness that this time in my life is coming to an end. These last 3 years turned into so much more than I could have ever asked for. 
I have been so blessed.
(and, more on all this later)
but I really am upset.
I want to go back and do it all again.

This song from "Glee" (yes I am aware how cheesy this is) has really been feeling appropriate for how I feel about this time in my life before graduation, so it's kinda been on repeat with me...

"Here's to us, here's to love, all the times we messed up.
Here's to you fill the glass,
cuz the last few years have gone to fast.
So let's give 'em hell, wish everybody well,
here's to us, here's to us..."

Maegan and I also had our Delta Zeta Senior Send-Off on Monday night (again, more on this later) so we are now both officially alums. We both read letters to the chapter, attempted to say goodbyes, and cried. It was heart-wrenching.

Thankfully we are going to Palm Springs this weekend for a SAE Formal (Sigma Alpha Epsilon), so that will be a good long party!

(more to come on all this later, but for now, I need some shut eye).