I got this from Amanda Noel's blog and thought it would be fun.
Age: 21
Bed size: at home at Queen! in the ridge, a Twin.
Chore I hate: doing the DISHES!
Dog's name: Dooney. (like dooney and bourke the purses)
Essential to start my day: brushing my teeth. and coffee!
Favorite color: pink or blue.
Gold or silver: Silver.
Height: 5'4"
I am: sitting on my bed in the DZ house.
Job: at host at Chili's
Kids: none. give me a few years.
Living arrangements: the DZ house in Northridge.
Mom's name: Traci!!!
Nickname: Cori, Cor.... Corinney..
Overnight hospital stay: never! thank goodness.
Pet peeve: umm...... can't think of one.
Quote from a movie: "It's not over. It still isn't over." From "The Notebook".. no idea why that was the first quote to pop into my brain
Right or left handed: right.
Siblings: Casey and Cameron! = ]]]]
Time I wake up: a lot later than I should.
Unique thing about my car: It has window paint on the windows that has been there since August.
Vegetable I hate: none, really.
Ways I run late: I waited til the absolute last second to get ready... also known as, I decided I needed to get ready 5 minutes before I had to leave.
X-rays I've had: teeth
Yummy food I make: cheesey chicken roll-ups..... PUMPKIN CAKE!
Zoo favorite: I don't like zoo's
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Friday, October 15, 2010
Ok. I know.
I haven't blogged.. all summer.. or this semester at all.
But for some reason, Fall makes me want to blog more...
So I'm going to try and start blogging more when ever I can..
in between school, WORK, DZ and such!
I have a lot to write about so there will be much more to come..
RENT, homesick, best friend, DZ... etc.
Thursday, May 27, 2010
oooh life.. life has been keeping me oh so very busy lately..
i moved home for summer vacation about a week ago only and its been crazy non-stop.. i got here on friday and i was already back working on saturday! i've worked nearly everyday since i've been back, i already feel like ive been here for like 3 weeks!
ok.. so other than that let's see..
last night was the American Idol finale and my boy Lee DeWyze won!! (only because I voted for him like 600 times and i'm not even exaggerating).
i got my car fixed (from the car accident i was in about a month ago, i was rear ended)..
i keep saying i'm going to work out.. and i have yet too.. instead, today i made cookies... but in my defense it was pouring down rain so it was necessary..
tomorrow morning i am going to go get a long awaited messege! soo excited! ok. i'm blabbing... but let me just say life is insane and i have many more blogs on the way..
OH! ps.. 21st birthday plans for VEGAS are in the works. so excited. = ]
i moved home for summer vacation about a week ago only and its been crazy non-stop.. i got here on friday and i was already back working on saturday! i've worked nearly everyday since i've been back, i already feel like ive been here for like 3 weeks!
ok.. so other than that let's see..
last night was the American Idol finale and my boy Lee DeWyze won!! (only because I voted for him like 600 times and i'm not even exaggerating).
i got my car fixed (from the car accident i was in about a month ago, i was rear ended)..
i keep saying i'm going to work out.. and i have yet too.. instead, today i made cookies... but in my defense it was pouring down rain so it was necessary..
tomorrow morning i am going to go get a long awaited messege! soo excited! ok. i'm blabbing... but let me just say life is insane and i have many more blogs on the way..
OH! ps.. 21st birthday plans for VEGAS are in the works. so excited. = ]
Thursday, May 20, 2010
a vow of simplicity and peace.
[in no particular order]
acoustic guitar. music.
coffee. pictures.
photography. wine.
singing. dancing.
smiling. laughing.
talking. listening.
reading. writing.
living. loving.
friends. family.
hugging. kissing.
prayer. faith.
peace. let it be.
i have found in the last few months that when i focus on the simple things in life that bring me joy, i am happy. no matter the stresses.. if i focus on these things, i get through it and i am satisfied. this is a vow to myself to focus on these things, from now and forever.
acoustic guitar. music.
coffee. pictures.
photography. wine.
singing. dancing.
smiling. laughing.
talking. listening.
reading. writing.
living. loving.
friends. family.
hugging. kissing.
prayer. faith.
peace. let it be.
i have found in the last few months that when i focus on the simple things in life that bring me joy, i am happy. no matter the stresses.. if i focus on these things, i get through it and i am satisfied. this is a vow to myself to focus on these things, from now and forever.
Sunday, April 25, 2010

In the past few days I have watched a few movies that I have LOVED.
The first was "Julie and Julie." This movie was soo cute and almost inspiring. Meryl Streep is hilarious and too cute! and Amy Adams played her part very well. It made me want to blog!! and learn to cook more. It was a good movie... I HIGHLY recommend it.
The next movie I saw was "The Last Song." I saw it with Amanda in theater and I cried for about the last half an hour! Nicholas Sparks is brilliant and the screen play, unlike "Dear John", followed the book pretty closely. There were a few intense moments that were left out but it was still done really well.
Lots of people didn't like it because of Miley Cyrus.. but I actually think that's really dumb because one, they most likely never even watched "Hannah Montana" EVER and just think of Miley as this annoying Disney Channel actress. But what they don't realize is that she started acting on that show when she was barely 13, if that, and it's the DISNEY channel... did anyone ever stop to think that it's the script thats cheesey not the acting? Just saying...
Anyway, back to the movie. I had read the book and cried a lot and the movie was even worse. Miley did such a great job and the actor that played Jonah, her little brother, was soo good! His acting hit me hard. This movie was intense... and the music was really good as well.
Needless to say, recently my list of movies that I wish to add to my collection is expanding rapidly.
It's been awhile..

ok so i haven't written in A WHILE!! so i figured i should explain why....
let's see... i was on spring break where i got to be home and spend lots of amazing time with my family and see lots of friends i hadn't seen i a long time.. then i went back to school where i was dealing with lots of crazy stuff (working, the sorority) etc. I got initiated into Delta Zeta Pi Gamma chapter and that was amazing!! My parents came down for my banquet and I felt soooo special.
This weekend was my first DZ formal, which was, also amazing. It was basically like prom. We ate delicious Italian food, took lots and lots of pictures, and danced the night away.. even though the dj wasn't that great. I had an amazing date who made me feel soo special and like I was the prettiest girl there. = ]
Now i've been spending lots of much needed down time with miss Amanda in Long Beach and I am counting down the 2 weeks and 4 days (plus my finals) til I get to move home for the summer.
I have many more things to talk about and promise that I will keep more updated now.
= ]
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Long productive COLLEGE day.
Today was a super long day.
I woke up at.... oh man.. I just sat back to remember back to this morning and it felt like a very distant memory.
I went to class this morning, then came back to my dorm and did some homework (and online shopping), then I had to get ready and PREPARED for the interview I had to conduct with a professor for a class piece.
After the interview, that went very well (it was with a teacher I had last semester who I really really liked), I had about an hour to do more research for another class.. change.. pack food.. and head off to work! 6-CLOSE! oy..
Work went by surprisingly fast. I worked registers but MAN did my feet hurt by the end of my shift.
Now here's the part where one would think that would be the end of my day, right? WRONG.
Once I got off work, around 10:30, I had to head over to work on a group project for my improv class. At this point my brain was having trouble contributing to this group effort.. but I wasn't alone in this. My other group mates were feeling about the same way, but of course because of our crazy lives this was the only time we could ALL meet. So we worked on our project, got it mostly figured out.. by around midnight..
So now here I am.. doing, yet some more last minute research and getting ready to slumber. Thank goodness tomorrow will be a little less insane.. but only a little. Such is the life of a college kid.
I woke up at.... oh man.. I just sat back to remember back to this morning and it felt like a very distant memory.
I went to class this morning, then came back to my dorm and did some homework (and online shopping), then I had to get ready and PREPARED for the interview I had to conduct with a professor for a class piece.
After the interview, that went very well (it was with a teacher I had last semester who I really really liked), I had about an hour to do more research for another class.. change.. pack food.. and head off to work! 6-CLOSE! oy..
Work went by surprisingly fast. I worked registers but MAN did my feet hurt by the end of my shift.
Now here's the part where one would think that would be the end of my day, right? WRONG.
Once I got off work, around 10:30, I had to head over to work on a group project for my improv class. At this point my brain was having trouble contributing to this group effort.. but I wasn't alone in this. My other group mates were feeling about the same way, but of course because of our crazy lives this was the only time we could ALL meet. So we worked on our project, got it mostly figured out.. by around midnight..
So now here I am.. doing, yet some more last minute research and getting ready to slumber. Thank goodness tomorrow will be a little less insane.. but only a little. Such is the life of a college kid.
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Disney Movie Love.

It's become a new thing with my family that whenever I come home for a visit we watch a Disney movie.. or two.. or three..
I grew up watching Disney movies. One of my all time favorite movies is "The Little Mermaid." I have always been a Disney freak and Disneyland is my favorite place in the world.
Tonight we watched "101 Dalmations"! I love how when you watch a movie once your older the humor is completely different then from when you were a little kid. These movies are hilarious! Before that we watched "Peter Pan" and the last time I was home we watched "Beauty and the Beast" and the "Jungle Book".. it was brilliant!
I love that my family and I can sit around and watch Disney movies like it's deserving of an Oscar.. it's so much fun and it always makes me feel better.
"All your dreams can come true if you have the courage to pursue them." -Walt Disney
Saturday, March 20, 2010
There is nothing like home.
This weekend I was able to go home.. and let me tell you.. I NEEDED IT.
Since getting here yesterday night, I've had a home cooked mommy meal, with the entire family present. T.V. time. Time to make yummy desserts with my mom (key lime pie and a grasshopper pie type thing). An amazing night of sleep in my OWN bed. A mani/pedi sesh with my mom. AND a delicious St. Patrick's Day dinner with my family and grandparents. It has been exactly what I needed.
Since moving I have come to love Salinas/Monterey in a way I never thought I would. Don't get me wrong I've always loved it... but now.. it means so much more to me. I literally rolled down all the windows in my car and was cheering when I was driving down the beautiful sunny street to my house.
I cannot wait to be home for Spring Break.. in about 2 weeks... then home for the summer in less than 2 weeks!! Home is where my heart is.
This weekend I was able to go home.. and let me tell you.. I NEEDED IT.
Since getting here yesterday night, I've had a home cooked mommy meal, with the entire family present. T.V. time. Time to make yummy desserts with my mom (key lime pie and a grasshopper pie type thing). An amazing night of sleep in my OWN bed. A mani/pedi sesh with my mom. AND a delicious St. Patrick's Day dinner with my family and grandparents. It has been exactly what I needed.
Since moving I have come to love Salinas/Monterey in a way I never thought I would. Don't get me wrong I've always loved it... but now.. it means so much more to me. I literally rolled down all the windows in my car and was cheering when I was driving down the beautiful sunny street to my house.
I cannot wait to be home for Spring Break.. in about 2 weeks... then home for the summer in less than 2 weeks!! Home is where my heart is.
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
This new thing...
When I was younger I always kept journals. Written journals where I would keep track of my day-to-day life.. Literally! I can read these journals back and crack up, I can tell exactly how my little 8th grade self was dealing with life. Drama drama drama. As time past the journals ended.. for whatever reason I stopped. Now I am a college student... living the crazy life of classes, sorority events, working, and trying to get through each day without having a melt down. Thank goodness for my best friend who is 40 minutes away... some people think that's really far... but I think it's not far at all to travel to get to reach my sanity.
It was this best friend of mine, a fellow journalist who's abilities far surpass mine, who got me interested in blogging. I saw her using it as an outlet to write about whatever she wanted whenever she wanted. It's a fun way to let out and write about whatever is going on. Like an online journal! Gee what a concept.
So I've decided to start one... who knows what will come of it.. or what insane things I'll post on here depending on whatever crazy things are going on in my life. But I want to try. Here's to my free therapy.
It was this best friend of mine, a fellow journalist who's abilities far surpass mine, who got me interested in blogging. I saw her using it as an outlet to write about whatever she wanted whenever she wanted. It's a fun way to let out and write about whatever is going on. Like an online journal! Gee what a concept.
So I've decided to start one... who knows what will come of it.. or what insane things I'll post on here depending on whatever crazy things are going on in my life. But I want to try. Here's to my free therapy.
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