ok so i haven't written in A WHILE!! so i figured i should explain why....
let's see... i was on spring break where i got to be home and spend lots of amazing time with my family and see lots of friends i hadn't seen i a long time.. then i went back to school where i was dealing with lots of crazy stuff (working, the sorority) etc. I got initiated into Delta Zeta Pi Gamma chapter and that was amazing!! My parents came down for my banquet and I felt soooo special.
This weekend was my first DZ formal, which was, also amazing. It was basically like prom. We ate delicious Italian food, took lots and lots of pictures, and danced the night away.. even though the dj wasn't that great. I had an amazing date who made me feel soo special and like I was the prettiest girl there. = ]
Now i've been spending lots of much needed down time with miss Amanda in Long Beach and I am counting down the 2 weeks and 4 days (plus my finals) til I get to move home for the summer.
I have many more things to talk about and promise that I will keep more updated now.
= ]
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