This is going to be a LONG blog, so be warned.
Yesterday (day) was horrible.
I went over to the DZ house to hang with my little and have our usual Wednesday morning coffee date and left in tears. It's a long story so I'm not going to go into it.
Putting that aside,
I have officially decided that yesterday didn't start until 4 pm.
So on Friday Gail (an amazing, smart and pretty girl)
asked Maegan and I if we wanted to go see "Beauty and the Beast" at the Pantages for the student price ticket of $30, an opportunity that I could NOT refuse.
We got all pretty dresses up and left for our adventure in Hollywood (which I'm usually not to fond of) around 4:30. Gail and Natalie (another very smart and pretty girl)
picked me up, and we were off!
After we got our amazingly discounted student price tickets, we had time to go get dinner before the show started. So we started driving around trying to figure out where we wanted to eat.
We ended up at an amazing little hipster-like cafe called "Urth Caffe," it may be one of my new favorite places. I want to go there with a book and sit there, drink their amazing coffee and read for hours and hours and just enjoy the atmosphere.

I had a brilliant mocha mint drink.
(You'd think they would just call it a mint mocha, but I guess a mocha mint is more unique).
It was delicious!
For dinner I ordered a chicken and cheese quesadilla and it was verrrrry yummy!
It didn't go very well with my coffee, but I figured if I wanted the coffee with my dinner than I was just going to have to deal with the fact that coffee and a quesadilla aren't a normal thing you usually eat together.
Such a YUMMY drink!
I swear it was Christmas in a cup!
It doesn't get much better than that! (March or not).
After our brilliant dinner we went back to the Pantages where we prepared ourselves for the show we were about to enter...
Which, with the show we knew we were seeing, with all of its "Disney Magic" there was no way we could really be prepared for all it had to offer.
The amazing women that occompanied me on this adventure!
(left to right: Maegan, me, Gail and Natalie. Melody was taking the picture)
With everything that's been going on in my life lately I feel like I should write a blog especially for them. These women are always there for me, always so positive and encouraging and they are all my sisters in my sorority (both alumna and active).
I took pictures of EVERYTHING, I was so excited.
The show was amazing. The costumes were PERFECT, the sets were beautiful, the set changes were seamless and the actors were breathtaking. The music and the dancing was brilliant! I loved all of. Watching these shows always makes me want to go audition (or figure out how to) because I KNOW that I could do it.
Now, aside from the fact that this show was amazing, and it was only my second professional show i've seen... the highlight of my night came at intermission.
After running to the bathroom the second the lights came on, I sat back in my seat waiting for the show to start. I saw someone walking down the isle with a girl, back to his seat, that looked really familiar to me. I SWORE that it was Lee Dewyze (the current American Idol winner)...
So I told Gail to walk down to look at the pit with me, so we walked down there. As I got closer, I KNEW that was him.
So I'm standing 2 feet away from him thinking to myself, "I HAVE to talk to him.. I'm going to be so angry if I know that's him and I don't.." (side note: Lee Dewyze is a BIG deal to me! He was my favorite all season and I have been talking about meeting him ever since).
Ok. So I walk up to him and here's how it went from there...
Me: Are you Lee Dewyze?
Lee: Ya I am.
M: Oh my gosh! I'm Corinne, I'm a huge fan.
L: I'm Lee nice to meet you! and this is my girlfriend.
M: I'm a huge fan, I watched you on American Idol
(babble babble babble)
I know i'm not supposed to, but can I take a picture with you?
L: Ya! Totally!
(picture being taken..I was shaking)
L: You don't have to be nervous, its ok!
M: it's coming out really dark cuz I can't use a flash..
L: Well track me down after and we'll take another one. I'm gunna be on American Idol tomorrow you should check it out!
M: Oh ya! I definitely will.
L: Do you want a hug?
L: Are you really a fan?
M: I'm a HUGE fan!
L: well here (reaching in pocket) it's the only one I have on me but you can have it!
(handing me a guitar pick)!!!!
M: Oh my gosh! Thank you!
L: ya! it was nice meeting you!!
I went back to my seat and I was FREAKING out!
Now Maegan had seen me talking to someone... so when I got back to my seat she asked me, "Who were you talking to?" and I said, "Hang on! I have to sit down." (I sat down). So then Maegan was like, "Who was that??!!" and I told her, "MAEGAN! THAT WAS LEE DEWYZE!!"
Then we proceeded to have a freak out-star struck-girly moment!
(The pick!!)
After the show ended (I cried), we walked out and waited for Lee to come out. (Maegan's wish during dinner was to meet a famous person in Hollywood). So she told me, "He's right behind you!!" So I walked up to him, tapped him on the shoulder and asked if we could take another picture with him. He agreed. Maegan was freaking out! As we went to leave he looked at me and said, "Corinne, right?" (and I died a little inside), "Yes!" "And Maegan?" "Yeah." As we left he said, "It was really nice to meet you Corinne, have a good night!"
Mission Accomplished.
Best. Night. Ever.
and all I could think about was how I just met the man behind that AMAZING voice.
= ]]