Today has been slightly frustrating... as are most times when I try to use my computer.
I got my computer as a graduation present when I graduated high school in 2007,
so my computer is roughly 4 years-old... which is proving itself to be pretty old...
in technology years. This computer has been amazing and I have loved it, up until this last semester. Recently my computer has been freaking out (for lack of a better term).
It will NOT connect to the internet at my apartment, no matter what I have done or tried to fix it, but it will "connect" most other places. (Except at Starbucks this morning).
When I went home to Salinas last weekend, my mom and I took it over to the Geek Squad at Best Buy and had them check it out. Other than finding a few programs that I needed to delete to make my computer run a little "faster," they could find no reason as to why it wouldn't be able to connect to the internet.
So i've come to the conclusion that
my computer obviously hates me.
It's been really frustrating and has caused it to be pretty difficult when I try to do homework,
send e-mails, blog or anything else I feel like doing on my computer.
This morning my little, Amanda, and I went to Starbucks to read and do some homework.
That didn't exactly happen.
It took my computer about 20 minutes to just turn on and decide to be a computer,
than it took another 15 for it to open an Internet Explorer window and to attempt to connect to Starbucks WiFi.
At that point I gave up and decided to just read and leave my computer stuff for later.
We came back to the DZ house and it has been pretty much working for the time i've been here...
but still... I need a computer that will work EVERYWHERE and WHENEVER I need it to.
So my parents and I may need to look into getting me another computer very soon.
I mean, what kind of English major, or good student for that matter, would I be able to be without a working computer??!! Having a reliable computer is like having a reliable car this day in age! Especially, for a college student.
Long story short, I've been pretty frustrated with my computer...
and with the ridiculous amount of time I, and my mom, have had to put into fixing this thing.
(I just now realized that my last few posts haven't been very positive... and I'm actually in a pretty good place with my life, I promise... more positivity to come soon.)
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