Wednesday, July 13, 2011

a few (2) days off!

These last 2 days I have had off from work, imagine that! and even though they weren't suuuuuper mellow, they were pretty fun. On Tuesday morning my mom and I went over to the Hollister airport to watch my boyfriend's dad, Tim, get a ride in my grandpa's P-51 Mustang! It was pretty rad, and than after we went and got lunch at a really cute little sandwich shop called Victoria's. (<--funny, even when I'm not at work I was still at "Victoria's").

(a sign above my grandpa's hanger)
(Casey with the airplane!)

(my grandpa and Tim getting ready to take off)

(this was a really cool sign in my grandpa's hanger that said "When you're out of Mustangs, You're out of fighters.")

(the sandwich shop! it was decorated with super cute black, white and red decor!)

(my yummy "Californian" sandwich: turkey, cheese, bacon, lettuce, etc.)

After our adventures in Hollister, we ran a few errands, than went home, I did some laundry than I braved a new chicken recipe that I found in a magazine. It was called chicken fresco and it required you to basically brush the baked chicken breast with a balsamic vinagrette (made with dijon mustard, olive oil, salt and pepper, honey and balsamic vinegar) and than topped with a lemon-butter sauce (made with a dry white wine, lemon juice, fresh parsley and butter).. it actually turned out quite good! and I also made some rice and steamed zucchini! It was a surprisingly yummy dinner!!

Than today on my day off I got a lot done in my room, getting rid of old clothes, etc., had sushi for lunch with the boy (on his break from work) and than saw "Transformers 3" with my little bro Cameron! It was a realllllyyy good movie! It was a good two days off! Now back to work for the rest of the week, than lake trip #4!! = ]]

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