In the midst of all of this, I have had two very important people in my life take the giant next step in their relationship with their men and are now in the process of planning their BIG day! and I could not be happier for them!
Which is what got me thinking, why in the world would I not be happy for them? Just because I am single, and just went through a break-up is no excuse to not be ECSTATIC for these women in my life!
Which is what got me thinking, why in the world would I not be happy for them? Just because I am single, and just went through a break-up is no excuse to not be ECSTATIC for these women in my life!
I am an advocate for love. I think true and lasting love is something that is hard to find and can often times be rare.. so who would I be if I discouraged this? Regardless of what is going on in my life, I love love.. being in love, the idea of love, witnessing people in love.. I think it is a beautiful thing and I cannot wait for the day that I will begin to experience what these ladies have been so blessed to experience with their new fiance's!
A life without love.. Is really not worth living.. Love is all you need.
Happy Weekend!
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