Friday, December 16, 2011


I stole this "survey" from Amanda Noel and I agree with her when she said it reminded her of the "Myspace" surveys we all used to do back in the day..

Right now, I am...

watching: "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows (Part 2)"

eating: nothing.. but I had a super yummy sandwich today made out of ham, brie cheese, caramelized onions and sun dried tomatoes!

drinking: coffee... yes, at 4:24 pm I am still drinking coffee (that's pretty standard)

wearing: gray baggy sweats (so comfy) and a cut off t-shirt

avoiding: I'm not really avoiding much, but I guess you could say I'm avoiding the cleaning I could be doing.

feeling: happy, relaxed, a little hungry.. a little sleepy

missing: i'm not missing too much right now, I'm home and content

thankful: that I am done with this semester of school and home for Christmas break with my whole family!

weather: COLD!!

needing: food.. I have not eaten enough today and I have far too much caffeine in my system

thinking: about a lot of things..

loving: this down time!

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