Monday, April 23, 2012


Dancing has always been something that has really struck a chord with me.
Since dance has been a part of my life since I was 3-years-old, and since I've been able to utilize my history of ballet to grow my passion for musical theatre, dance is something that really resonates with me. (No but really, I swear, sometimes I can actually feel it vibrate through my body). 
Because of this, contemporary dance and lyrical hip-hop pieces have had the chance to move me to tears multiple times via "So You Think You Can Dance..." and because of this I have developed a heart for these dance styles.
With that being said,
the video above is of a "flash mob" style marriage proposal that was done at Downtown Disney,
and I don't know what it is, but the song, "Marry You" by Bruno Mars, paired with the dance moves and the overall emotion of this video make me so incredibly happy. I love this so much. 

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