Thursday, June 21, 2012


Tonight after class, my sorority sister and I are going to go to an amazing space; it's an empty room in the gym on campus... a room that is usually used for spin classes, yoga classes, kick-boxing, etc... but tonight it will be used for dance. It's an empty room with a wood floor, a wall of mirrors, and a bar... 
This sister of mine is a brilliant ballerina and we have been talking about getting together and just 
dancing, moving, being.
We are going to play and hopefully come up with some choreography to "You Found Me" by the Fray... I cannot wait. I want need to move my body. My soul misses needs it. Needless to say, we are going to try and make this a regular thing and I could not be happier.  

("You Found Me" by the Fray)

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