Monday, August 20, 2012


On Saturday, August 18th, 2012 
my beautiful best friend Amanda Mann became Mrs. Amanda Massingale when she married her best friend James Massingale. I was lucky enough to be a bridesmaid, stand behind her and make a speech at the reception... it was a very special day. On Wednesday the newlyweds will be driving across country to their new home together in North Carolina and I am crazy sad. This is going to set us on a new journey as grown-up best friends... my best friend has a husband! That is so crazy!! Here are some pictures from this incredible day...
 The first kiss. 
 After the ceremony. 
 Cutting the cake.
 The bridesmaids; (from left to right) me, Candace, Cassie, Rebecca, Sarah and Rachel. 
The bride and I at the reception!


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