Monday, October 1, 2012


the Toro Bulls won 1st Place in our division at our competition!!
..which ALSO means we qualified for Nationals that will be happening at Disneyland in March!

These girls had energy and enthusiasm like I had never seen from them (and let me tell you, it was starting to worry me).. and when our music turned off about 3/4th's of the way through our routine and Maria and I had to yell their counts at them for the rest of the routine they recovered beautifully and the rest of the routine was just as good as the part they did with music. I was so proud I can't even tell you. 

This experience has been so rewarding. 
I have put a lot of time and energy into this and what's even better than seeing it all pay off is seeing the faces on my girls faces when they found out they won!

Happy 1st of October!!


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