Friday, February 25, 2011

Day 20

:write a letter to someone

Dear Journalism/J210,

When I first got to CSUN, I liked you. I thought you were interesting and current. Taking all those classes about "Women and Men in the Media" I really did enjoy. They taught me lots of new things I never realized about the media and I liked that.

Then I got to J210, "writing/reporting for the media 2," and then I began to realize how much I DON'T like newspaper journalism. Or very much about journalism, period. What I like, is writing. What I don't like, is reporting. "Go out and find a story!"... no thanks! "Here's a court case! Go cover it!"... no WAY!

So therefore, I have decided, through taking J210, that I am not a fan of Journalism... and I definitely don't think it should be my major. I don't want to write for a magazine anymore. I want to do something that is going to really contribute more to a person's life than just being some fluff article in some monthly fluff magazine.

I've decided to go back to an original passion of mine. I'm going to be a teacher. I want to teach anywhere from middle school to high school. But what I really want to do is teach English at Salinas High. So, journalism, it's been good fun... but I think, if all goes well, I must abandon you. I apologize, but you and I just don't go well together. Sorry.

Your frustrated Senior,


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