:a picture of somewhere you've been.
I like to say that I haven't been very many places... this is not entirely true. Right when I saw the topic of this blog there was 3 if not 4 places that popped into my head right away. So I think I may just write about all of them.
The first that came to mind was Las Vegas.
For my 21st birthday my mom and dad planned a big trip to Las Vegas for me, them and my best friend Amanda. We flew out of Monterey, stopped at LAX and then made our way there. We stayed at the Venitian where Amanda and I had our own AMAZING suite, and let me tell you, it was really amazing. On the first night, we walked along the strip and went to dinner at the restaurant called "the Top of the World" at the Stratosphere. The restaurant was 1,149 feet in the sky and was entire restaurant rotates!!.. It turns on its axis the entire time you are there. It was insane. On the second day, we did lots of shopping the whole day, where Amanda and I got to experience our first "year" drinks, a favored Vegas past time for many. Then we went back to our hotel where we got all dolled up to go see "Phantom of the Opera!" It was my first professional show i've seen, and I almost cried. It was amazing. After the show we went back to our rooms, changed into something more comfortable then ventured off to find something to eat.... and that's when we stumbled upon GILLY'S!! If you don't know what Gilly's is, it's a honky tonk hick bbq bar. They play country music videos in the dining area and outside the dining area there is a full wood dance floor where there was kareoke and then a dj playing music all night! I will never forget line dancing and taking a tequila shot with my parents, well.. my mom sort of sipped hers, but thats ok. It was an amazing trip and I felt so greatful that I had a dad that would plan a trip like that for me for my birthday.
Another place i've been to too many times to count is Lake Tahoe. Almost every winter for my entire childhood, we went there during the winter. I learned how to ski when I was 5. It is such a beautiful place in the winter and summer and other than Disneyland, its my favorite place to vacation to.
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