Ok. So this weekend was Easter weekend and it was inSANE.
First of all, I was supposed to go home Friday after my class until I found out that my class got cancelled. So than on Thursday, the plan was that I was going to go to Long Beach to hang out with Amanda and James and than just go straight home on Friday morning.
But of course, as most things in my life, the plan changed.
Something happened so I couldn't go to Long Beach....
so there I was, car packed, in my bathroom getting ready for class.
and than I remembered that my professor had said we were going to watch a movie in class....
so, than I thought to myself....
It Thomas' birthday.... and I'm going to miss it?!
so, I got in my car, I went home.
Now at this point it was around 7... and I didn't get on the 405 til around 7:20..
That puts my estimated time of arrival at around 11:40!
(Perfect timing to make it before midnight... until I saw the traffic).
So I am JETTING to get home...
(still being safe) but JETTING.
So it's nearing midnight.... and i'm getting VERY close
but I was going to be cutting it close, so I started to get very nervous.
My heart was racing and so was my car, when I zoomed around the corner to his street
(having already texted him to tell him to come outside).
I parked (5 feet away from the curb) turned off my car as fast as I could and didn't even stop to put my shoes on before I ran to him.
It was 11:59pm.
I made it.
Happy Birthday Thomas Andrew Wheelus.

Friday, I went with my mom and Cameron to the Stations of the Cross which is a kind of Good Friday service. Than we did some mother-daughter mani-pedi time before I got ready to hit up Monterey to celebrate the birthday at hand. Went out to Monterey and had a blast.
Saturday was nice, and sort of relaxing/preparing for Sunday.
And Sunday was Easter SUNDAY!
JESUS ate a FISH! We went to Easter Sunday service before everyone came over to our house for some good ol family time, delicious food and some Apples to Apples.
It was a great weekend.
I know I say this alot... but I love being home.