There are sooooooo many places I want to go.
To experience.
To live at.
I just want to pack a bag and go.
I've been thinking a lot about life and money lately...
and thinking about how, yes, of course it's smart to save money,
but to an extent.
There's no point in saving money now, that you can always be saving later,
or for things that you will be working toward later on in life.
Example, I don't need to be putting money away now for a house!
I don't even know who I'm going to be buying this house with...
I can save for that later.
I also don't need to die with money,
or save money and not be able to use it until i'm in my 60's and may
not be able to enjoy it the way I would now!
I also think traveling can be easier and simpler if I do it in my 20's than
if I wait to do it later...
I want to go to:
New York
North Carolina
I think as soon as I finish school...
and before I enter the real grown-up world,
I'm going to have to take out a loan
(and use some of my own money of course)
and just

I'm in :)