It has been an AMAZING 10 days.
From the girls coming here, and all the adventures that went down,
lots of good family time and just a lot of good home town fun.
I love my home town!
I drive around in my little Honda, seeing the streets covered with lifted trucks,
GMC's and the occasional tractor or 2.
I love this small town.
Surrounded by Country music,
not being able to go anywhere without knowing at least a few people,
and being able to wear your North Face and Uggs and know that
everyone will be dressed just like you.
I can't wait to be back in 2 weeks for Easter!

( ^Thomas and I in our flannels, boots and a cowboy hat?)
Thomas is my friend from high school/junior college.
He's a water skiing, flannel wearing, lifted truck driving, country gentleman.
My brother and his younger sister are friends as well so we got to hang out on a couple different occasions during the week, than last night he took me out on a REAL date.
(Imagine that?)
He picked me up, met my dad, opened all my doors, including the car door,
took me to dinner at Supporros (a Japanese restaurant in Monterey),
mini golfing, and then we got a drink downtown.
It was a very nice night.
We shall see. = ]

I LOVE being home.
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