Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Happy Trails..

ok. soo the last few days have been insanity, and i've been having to face it (more or less) alone. on Monday morning my mom dropped me off at the San Jose airport. the plannn was that I was going to fly from San Jose to Dallas than jump onto a connecting flight only 45 minutes later, and fly from Dallas to Colorado Springs. I was supposed to be in Colorado Springs by about 3:45pm Monday. That did NOT happen, to say the least.

First of all, all kinds of flights were getting delayed coming in and leaving from Dallas so airplanes were getting backed up on the runways, so once we got to Dallas we sat on the runway, just sat there, not moving for close to 45 minutes. Because of this, most of the connecting flights were getting delayed as well. So once I finally got off the plane I had to RUN across the airport to make my connector. (Of course the gate I needed to get to was on the other side of the world). Ok. So I get there, find out that they were in final boarding and that they had given my seat away to someone who had a standby ticket because I wasn't there in time.

Ok. So, I freaked out momentarily. Then kinda went into frustrated/problem solving mode. So I got a boarding pass for a flight leaving at 8:55 (it was only about 4 when this happend) and a standby boarding pass for a flight leaving at 7:30. Long story short, they were BOTH cancelled.

So, now what? I was alone. In Dallas. and didn't have a flight out of there until 11:15 the next morning. Do I stay the night alone in the airport on a cot? alone? or do I try and figure out what hotel nearby I can stay at. So I start calling any and all hotels within a 5 mile radius of the airport (being that I was going to have to take a taxi there and back) and there were NO vacancies ANYWHERE! The only place I could find was 27 miles away and cost $99 to stay there.... this did NOT sound like a good plan at all but I didn't have much of a choice.

Then Thomas calls me. He had also been calling places and just happened to be in the phone with a hotel a mile away from the airport when they had a cancellation so now had 1 available room. Without hesitation he gave them his credit card number, and called me to tell me he had booked me a room. He. Saved. My. Life. When I expressed my gratitude he simply said, "Hey! I have a girl to keep safe and happy!" He's amazing.

So, the next day, I go back to the airport in preparation to fly from Dallas to Arkansas, then Arkansas to Denver. So.... long story short (again) that plan got scrapped when the first flight was delayed, and I was NOT about to get stranded in Arkansas! So I got a for sure boarding pass for a flight going straight to Colorado Springs at 3, but the weather was supposed to get the worst between 3 and 5 so this made me nervous. So I got a standby boarding pass for a flight to Denver at 12:30 and thank the LORD I got on that flight. (But really, I was praying my face off). So I finally got my booty to Denver.

Looooonnnng Story short, I finally got to Colorado Springs, almost a day later than I thought I would, and now I feel like I can take on the world (or at least any airport) on my own.... and with Thomas to find me places to stay. *sigh* Crazy, crazy time.

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