how quickly things change.... this time last year is depicted in the picture on the right... and currently I look like the picture on the left. soooo weird...

10 days left in Northridge and I'm starting to think a lot about summer. I've been thinking a lot about this time last year; where I was, what I was doing, who I was with, how I was thinking.... everything. This time last year I was studying f0r finals, doing DZ stuff (as a newly initiated member), I was getting ready to pack and leave the hell hole that was my dorm and I was very much looking forward to the project that awaited me as soon as I got home, "RENT."

"RENT"/Summer 2010, changed my life. The process by which I grew over the course of the summer is hard to even contemplate. The Corinne that was in Northridge at the end of Spring 2010 semester, is no where NEAR the Corinne that came back to Northridge in the Fall 2010. I had gained new perspectives on life, "No day but today," and new ways of thinking about life and its experiences, "forget regret, or life is yours to miss"...

Over this past year, so much has happend, and so much has changed. When I came back to Northridge in the Fall I met a girl who, now, I can't imagine living without. My roommate, Maegan. She has gone through so much with me in this past year that I can't even put it into words. We have challenged and helped eachother in ways I never expected. After living in our sorority house in the Fall, we decided to get an apartment for the following semester.... I could never have imagined what changes and experiences that would bring.

Since living in the apartment, but not because of the apartment, I gained the friendship of two amazing women that I never thought I would ever be friends with, Gail and Natalie. These women have been everything to me this semester, and now I can't imagine college without them.

Now, as I'm looking forward to this summer and assessing all the things that have changed in the past year, I look forward with curiosity and excitment. No, I'm not doing a huge summer production this year (for the first time in 3 summers), but I have the boy to think about and work work work. I have no idea what this summer has in store... but I'm sure a lot will change, in me and in my life. In the Fall I will still be living with Maegan, in a new apartment, and I will be entering my final year of college at CSUN... taking on a new major and an added minor. I have no idea what's going to happen, but with all that changed since this time last year, I can't wait to find out! "There's only us, there's only this, forget regret or life is yours to miss. No other road, no other way, NO DAY BUT TODAY."
I'm excited to see what will happen as well! xoxo NNtBB