Friday, June 10, 2011

Gotta love Metaphors!

Tori and Dean are a reality tv couple that I shamelessly follow on Oxygen. Tori Spelling was the actress from 90210 and Dean McDermott is her husband who is a tv actor. They have a reality show call "Tori and Dean: Home Sweet Hollywood" that was about their family that I LOVE and now they have a new show called "Tori and Dean: sTORIbook Weddings." Long story short, I really like them.

Now. Tori is a hilarious lady. She is very eccentric, she tends to worry A LOT, she double (or triple) books herself and spreads herself super thin (no reference to her weight), she has all kinds of silly irrational fears, can be super sensitive and can be, well... a pain in the ass! But in spite of all of this, Dean loves her to pieces, thinks she's super hot, an amazing mom/wife and the greatest thing since sliced bread. Dean is also super masculine, and loves his toys (in his case, motorcycles).
Because of this, I have began to refer to the relationship between Thomas and I by saying "He's the Dean to my Tori." Because, well.... I can see the similarities!

While talking to Thomas tonight on the phone, I attempted to explain this reference to him because of course he has NO idea what the relationship between Tori and Dean is like in the slightest (let alone who they are). So he came up with his own reference to our relationship by responding "so.. it's like you being the Yamaha to my track!" Which doesn't mean too much to me, but i'm pretty sure we are saying the same thing in our own ways.

I love it!

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