Day 14: coffee.
I love coffee, and am pretty much addicted to it. I drink it every morning... and a lot of times through out most of the day. It's delicious and keeps the morning "caffeine headache" away. I wouldn't be able to wake up early to finish homework I've been putting off (ugh, time management) if it wasn't for coffee.
You all know about Amanda, I talk about her alot, but I don't know if i've ever really mentioned who Hannah is. Hannah was Amanda's room mate last year, but here's the thing, we've all know each other, gone to the same church, been to summer camp and on missions trips together, for our whole lives, but the sad thing is, we weren't really good friends until Amanda and Hannah moved in together (which is really a sad thing). The picture below makes me happy, but because we've known each other so long, it kinda freaks me out. To me, I look at this picture and see 3 adult/college friends, hanging out, drinking coffee, which means we are grown (or growing) up.. and i'm sure if I looked hard enough I could find a super awkward picture of the 3 of us from when we were really little.. but that might not be the best idea. I love being able to spend time with friends who have known me and been through so many of the same experiences with me. (Puss cup story, that's all i'm saying).
Anyway, pictures. I love pictures. To me they are memories. In every picture I have in up in my room I have a memory attached, I can tell you exactly what was going on or what I was doing in every picture I have up. I love them. Ever since, I'd say middle school, I've always had some sort of picture taking device on me everywhere I go. (First it was a disposable camera, then a digital camera, now I just use my phone). I always have pictures everywhere in my life. When I was in high school, I was all about making cute little collages for my binders, and now that I've gotten older, I have pictures in frames and all over several bulletin boards in my room. I love them. We were lucky enough to get to utilize Hannah's photography skills to end up with some really cool pictures from the weekend and here are a few.
This is probably my new favorite picture of Amanda and I. I love it.
Happy Monday! (10 days til Thanksgiving!)