: the very near future. (and endless possibilities).

I've been thinking a lot about possibly moving to New York for a year. To work, live and just experience the east coast. That's been my only complaint about my life so far is how few places I've been and experienced when there is so much to see. Which leads me to the second option i've been considering. I've been also seriously toying with the idea of going over sees to teach english for a year, like Spain or somewhere over in Europe. It would be an amazing experience to live in Europe for a year, and to also get an experience like that for my future in teaching English. I don't know which of these I'd be able to make happen, but i'm only 22... I will still be 22 when I graduate, I'm single and I want to experince things! I want to be able to see things when I can still just kinda pick up and go... because once i'm married, working at a high school teaching, and possibly having kids I won't be able to do that; and don't get me wrong, I can't wait for those things to happen I just want to be able to do certain things before those things happens.
Lots to think about.
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