Thursday, November 3, 2011

Day 3: All the world's a stage..

Day 3: Theatre.

I can't even begin to explain what theatre has done for my life. But I will try and give you a little idea (ps, sorry for how out of order the pictures are).

My whole life I have loved Disney movies, which some people for whatever reason don't realize are musicals, and I was always in my church musicals. I started ballet when I was 3... but for whatever reason, with all of the singing and dancing in my life, I never thought about the idea of combining them and doing musical theatre until I was in high school. My senior year of high school (see picture below), I auditioned for "Grease", one of my all time favorite movies, and was cast as the role of "Sandy." <---highlight of my high school career, and ever since then I wanted to do as much theatre as I could.

At MPC, the community college I went to, I started talking all the acting classes that I could. I jumped in to doing scene work and was loving it! The summer after my freshman year of college I was in "Evita" which ran all summer, we did 32 shows, and I never wanted it to end. My next show was "My Fair Lady" (picture below), and I did more dancing than I think I had ever done up to that point.

That next summer, after doing more scene work and a few smaller shows during the year, I was in a big summer production of "The Producers." That was amazing, and I met one of my dearest friends Camila (far left in the picture below).
The next summer *intert deep sigh here* I was in the central coast premiere of "RENT." This show, the cast, the process, the rehearsals, the music, everything about that summer, changed my life. I can't explain it, but know that it did.

(below: some of the cast of "Evita," guy to my right Mike(che), one of my dearest friends in the world).

(below: Camila and I in our "Springtime for Hitler" costumes!)

(below: rehearsing for "RENT")

(below: "Danny" and "Sandy")

(below: Jameson, another dear theatre friend, backstage)

(below: Mike(che) and I, again)

Loooonnnnng story short, I am very very thankful for theatre.

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