: Black Friday.
Believe it or not, I am thankful for Black Friday and I will tell you why. Black Friday is always insane, for the people willing to get up that early, or stay up that late for that matter, but not for my family. None of can see why getting up at 4am to go get some "deal" that will probably be the same for the rest of the weekend, being worth it. So instead, every Black Friday ends up being a mellow, relaxing, play-it-by-ear kind of day. So yesterday we all slept in, got up, kind of took our time getting ready, then my mom, cousin, and I went to the mall to shop a little (but not until about 3pm). We went to Victoria's Secret and Macy's, only, and with great success, and then came home and had Thanksgiving left overs for dinner, and started decorating for Christmas while watching 3 different Christmas movies and all just relaxing and spending time together. It's been a very good time at home this trip, so I am thankful for relaxing days like Black Friday. 

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