Tuesday, September 11, 2012


I found this precious video of Kris Allen singing "God Bless the USA" at a special Memorial Day celebration and I decided to share it in honor of today. 

Eleven years ago our country was changed forever. 
I heard an army wife today talking on the radio about how September 11, 2001 effected her life. Through some tears she went on to say, "I am thankful for what September 11th was because without it we wouldn't have had September 12th.." That was really wise to me. She was recognizing the tragedy of that day with the further realization that without it we wouldn't have come together with such strength and pride as a country. I thought that was really cool.

Where were you on 9/11/01? Hold old were you? What did you feel?
Never forgotten. 
God bless. 

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