Monday, September 10, 2012


Sometimes I like to think my soul looks a little like this.
When I take naps, no matter what time it is, I change back into my pj's. 
I'm a whiskey and beer drinking kinda gal.
One day, I want to marry my best friend.
I want my job to require me to wear a rehearsal skirt and character shoes everyday to the "office."
Without music.... or theatre..... or dance.... I don't know who I'd be.
Michael Buble. Andy Grammer. Jason Aldean. (3 men that can always make my day better).
 I can't watch Titanic with anyone other than Maegan.
If I could have 4 tattoos I would.
I watch a lot of TLC.
I'm younger in my head than I am in real-life. 
I want to adventure, to see things, to experience things, to learn things. 

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