Monday, September 24, 2012

project happiness!

(one of my wine purchases today from Trader Joe's.. and yes, there is a big yellow smiley fact on the front of the bottle).

Today has been a very happy day.
I'm sitting here with my glass of wine, watching Monday night football (GO PACKERS!), catching up on some blogging and reflecting on my day.

This morning I had a good day at work, it was slow, but good things happened!
After work I went over to the bank where I was able to set up a nice little (working on making it bigger) savings account and was approved for my first full-blown credit card!
Following my trip to the bank, I stopped by Trader Joe's, which is quite possibly my favorite grocery store ever, and picked up some wine, brie and crackers.. can you say yum??
On the way home I was able to talk to my precious friend Keifer who I miss dearly..
and found out once I was home that I passed the CBEST (the test you have to pass to start substitute teaching)!!! Yeahhh me!!

I'm happy.
Today has been a good day to start off this week.
If you have time, check out this lady's blog...
She is absolutely beautiful, has such a sunny spirit and truly inspires me.

Happy Monday!!
(pray for peace).


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