Thursday, March 3, 2011

Day 26

:list 10 things that you are thankful for

1. my family!
they are amazing and i know that even if they are hard on me
they are always going to be there for me.
my mom is my best friend. i wouldn't be sane without her.
my dad is the most amazing supporter of our family and he is hilarious.
casey and cameron are the best brothers on the planet! they are too funny
and they provide so much comic relief to my life.

2. Amanda Noel!
this girl IS my sister. she has been through so much with me..
i never have to feel like i'm being judged or that i have to act a certain
way when i'm with her... she knows me so well its ridiculous..
i don't think i would have made it this far in college if it wasn't for her.

3. music.
country. the beatles. elvis. show tunes. josh groban. lenka.
chris tomlin. hillsong. mark schultz.
(i could go on and on)
music is probably the only "thing" that has always been there for me
no matter what my mood is. i LOVE it. and i NEED it.

4. church/my faith/religion/God
this doesn't need too much of an explanation.
my faith and my relationship with God keeps me going.
SVCC (my church from back home) is my sanctuary. literally.

5. movies!
i love movies!! i love having lazy days of doing nothing
but watching movies! i LOVE having "Harry Potter" marathons with Cameron.
i also LOVE watching tv seasons on DVD.. i do it every day with "Gilmor Girls."
no joke.

it's super yummy. during Christmas time or when it rains i love it even more.
Starbucks in RED cups is Christmas in a cup.
without coffee (or caffeine) i get the WORST headaches.

7. Delta Zeta.
my sorority. i love these girls like sisters. literally.
no matter what i love them all so much, but sometimes i want to strangle them.
it happens.
my Big (Nicole), my Littles (Amanda and Melissa) and my Twin/Roommate (Maegan)
are seriously the only reasons I haven't broken down and moved back home.

8. my phone.
even though sometimes it's a distraction..
and i wish i could go back to the days of simple flip-phones
without it i wouldn't be able to talk to my best friend or my mom
on a daily basis.

9. my job.
it keeps me distracted, its pretty entertaining, and i need
it to help out my family.

10. Holidays.
Thanksgiving. Christmas.
i LOVE these holidays.. i LOVE the traditions (food/movies/decorations)
and the time it gives me to have with my family and friends.

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