Last night and today have already proven themselves to be the start of a very eventful week.
So Amanda (my little) and I decided that we were having a much needed girls night!
She came over to my apartment after her night class and we made "dinner,"
a skillet dinner that took about 10 minutes to make,
and ate that up. Then we chose what movie(s) we wanted to watch.
We decided that we first wanted to be 5, something that happens more often than not when Amanda and I join forces, so we watched "Swan Princess."*
(Always a classic).
Then we decided to be a few years older, probably about 15 or 16, and watch
"the Wedding Planner."**
(one of my FAVORITE movies through-out my "childhood").
We are just sitting on the couch, talking, giggling, and ordering pizza
for an almost midnight snack.
I love nights like this... they are relaxing... and help me to feel better about being here.
Spending some good quility time with my little isn't so bad either.
*"This isn't my idea of fun!"
**click on the link to see a video and hear a song I really love from the movie. = ]
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