Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Figuring stuff out... Frustration and Trying to make things happen..

There is so much going on right now I don't even know where to start!

I guess I'll start with school...
Last semester I took a Communications class (COM360: Communication and the Sexes), I took it as an upper division GE but it made me completely change my mind on what I want to be majoring in, and what I want to do with my life.

Ever since I was in about 3rd grade I wanted to be a teacher. When I would have friends over to my house for a play date and they would all want to play "house".. I wanted to play "school." No lie. I would set up chairs and a white board and I would stand in the "front of the room" and be the teacher. As I got older, and reality started to come into play, I decided that I didn't think being a teacher would be the best idea because of how much they make.. or DON'T make.

Since I threw teaching out the window I have gone through many other career ideas.

Fashion Stylist. Interior Designer (I even had an internship at an architect firm).
and then Journalist. I decided that I wanted to be "Andi Anderson" from "How to lose a guy in 10 days." So when I finished my AA at MPC and was filling out applications for places to apply, I applied with the intended major of Journalism.

Now, back to that COMS class. I sat there learning about how people communicate, and how kids communicate with each other, and I started thinking about how much I LOVE kids, and not just kids, but teenagers too.

So I started remembering how much I wanted to be a teacher when I was younger... and remembered why I "threw out" that idea so many years ago. Then I really started to evaluate..

Did I really want to base my career decision based on how much money I'd be making? Did I want to be unhappy with my career? Do I want to have a career I'm really passionate about? and What kind of impact do I want to be making in people's lives?

and it hit me.

I needed to be a teacher!

I'd always wanted to be a teacher, and I decided that I really wanted to make an impact in peoples (or kids) lives. I decided that I wanted to make a bigger impact on someones life than the little "impact" that an article in a monthly magazine would make on someones life.

So the next thought I had was... there's no point in me being a Journalism major if I'm not happy and if I'm not even going to be a journalist.... so what do I do? I'm a senior!...

So long story short (not really)... I came to the conclusion that I'm going to be a teacher. Specifically, a high school English teacher. So what do I do now? I know that when I'm done with my BA that I will need to go back to school to get my teaching credentials.. but what do I do now?

When I look at the classes that I have left to take in Journalism, it makes me want to cry, and have a panic attack all at once. None of them look like something I'm remotely interested in, or something that I think I could even do well in... and when I look at the classes I would have to take to get my English degree with an emphasis in creative writing, they look interesting and like something I would really do well in and enjoy.

So what I've been doing now, the frustrating/confused senior that I am, is taking the necessary steps to change my major. Being that I have already completed so many units, I had to meet with an adviser, and write a letter of appeal so that I can make this happen.

With the remaining classes/units I have left with Journ. I would be in school for another year... and with the classes I would have to complete for English, I would have another year (if I do Fall/Winter/Spring) or another 3 semesters. But I have decided that it would be well worth the extra time to be able to have a degree in something I want to do... and when looking at the big picture, another year and a half is nothing to be able to have the degree you want for the REST OF YOUR LIFE.

Now the last frustration in all of this is that because I didn't meet with an adviser soon enough about all of this... I have to stick it out for the rest of the semester in the classes I have (2 Theatre and 3 Journalism). If I would have gone to her before the add/drop period was over, I could have dropped the Journ. classes I'm in this semester and started working on English classes... so that's super frustrating.

So with ALL of that said, I'm frustrated, but excited that I will be getting to do something I really like and want to do with my life... I just have to wait for the Fall for this to happen.

and this only touches the surface of the things that I've been having to think about/figure out.

I need a vacation.


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