Saturday, March 5, 2011

Day 28

:cruise a thesaurus and pick out 10 words you like the sound of

so because I am super tired... and just got done posting a super long blog about my day.. i'm going to do this one fairly quick. (I'm going to flip through the pages, close my eyes and point to a word and see what happens.. kind of like "shuffle" but through a Thesaurus..)

Here goes..

1. blank: void, absence, inexpressive

2. capital: center, city, funds, means

3. concrete: building material, conglomeration, hardness

4. dancer: entertainer

5. drug: commodity, depressant, medicine

6. glamorous: alluring, bewitching, gorgeous

7. introduction: act, book, bringing in

8. nice: attentive, detailed, discriminating, exact

9. promise: compact, hope, omen

10. spirituality: dematerialize, refine, etherealize

not a big fan of this one. oh well.

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