Saturday, March 19, 2011

Traditional ALL GREEN St. Patrick's Day dinner!

Today at my Grandparents house in Salinas we had our traditional St. Patrick's dinner.
Everyone wears green, everything is decorated in green and we eat
corn beef, cabbage, red potatoes, salad and a yummy green dessert of some kind.
It's one of the many traditions that I love having with my family!

This is me at Grandma's drinking my Gin Lime Ricky.
(basically a gin and tonic with lime... yumm!)

Here is the adorable table!
A shamrock covered table cloth with matching napkins.

This salas was super yummy but I
LOVED the bowl it was brought in! It's a huge/shallow bowl
and I want one just like it!

The drink station!
Complete with printed recipes of green drinks
(alcoholic or non).

This was our delicious dessert!
A carrot cake with green frosting, and the carrots
came from my grandparents garden!

BROWNIES! made with Creme de Menthe!

Homemade bread! Enough said.

It was an amazing night filled with good conversation, jokes and old stories!
I love being home.

The FREAK moment of the night came when we went to leave and as we were getting into the car the back windshield shattered!!
The weather is horrendous, super windy and rainy, but this was just not explainable!
So Amanda and I decided to pretend we were on some sort of wild goose chase on the way home since we were in the back seat, watching the window continue to crack and while getting hit by the rain! It was so strange!

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