Friday, March 11, 2011

Stirring the Pot!


I didn't know how to start this blog...

so above shows an example of the frustration I feel about this topic.

"Stirring the pot" is a phrase that has been used frequently in my life to represent when people encourage drama or make things worse in a situation that either WASN'T drama to begin with... or the situation was fizzling out, and the "pot" of the situation is being "stirred" to make it worse. I'm over it. I really am.

I want to run away to a place where I can be at peace with my life and not be surrounded by all of this unneccessary "pot stirring."

Especially because lately, MY life has been very drama free! But I am still surrounded by everyone elses drama or the "drama" that people create in my life out of nothing!

It's silly, and very immature, and I don't want to put up with it or be around it anymore. Thank goodness I have the apartment and Long Beach to "run" away to.

I don't want you all to read this and think that everyone in my life are "pot stirrers" because that is not the case. There are many anti-pot stirrers that I make it a point to surround myself with. There are just some people that ARE a part of my life that ARE "pot stirrers" that I can't not have around me. (If that makes any sense).

Ok. Rant over.

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