Saturday, December 31, 2011

Happy New Year!

This will officially be my last blog post of 2011 and I want to wish you all a safe and happy New Year!

I also purposely wanted to make sure I made it to 200 blog posts in 2011 which makes this my 200th post! I wanted to start blogging more and in 2010 I only blogged 10 times... so I think I stepped it up a bit! I'm happy! Happy New Year!!

2012 To-Do list..

Alright... here goes.. my New Year's resolutions...

In 2012 I will...


Read more.

Cook more.

Blog more.

Lose weight (and keep it off).

Exercise more.

Participate in the weddings of 2 dear friends.

Learn how to budget.

Work on my relationship with God.

(just a few).

I'm looking forward to 2012. It is going to be a good year.

Looking back at 2011!

I took this idea from the best friend. I am going to take a look back at 2011 via my little blog!

In January I was just starting to get the hang of this little blog thing.

In February I decided to kick-start my blogging my doing "30 Days of Blogging."

In March I started the "Green Dress Challenge" where I decided to start losing some weight (still working on this, it's a constant challenge) and met one of my "Idol's" (or American Idol that is).

In April I fell in love.

In May I had my first experience traveling along and got stuck in Dallas overnight, and my life (and my perspective on life) was changed forever when my roommate lost her father to cancer.

In June I committed to growing up and doing better in school.

In July I turned 22 and "completed" my "Green Dress Challenge" when I could finally fit into the dress I was wanted to wear, and wore it to a Jason Aldean concert!

In August I reflected on the summer and said goodbye to my little brother when he moved to Florida.

In September my heart was broken and I turned to God and family and friends and made a full recovery!

In October we celebrated 2 Murray birthday's and officially took my life back.

In November I blogged for 30 days about what I was thankful for.

and in December I reflected on my college experience I found out my graduation date and celebrated Christmas with my family.

Disney Magic

Here are some pictures from our trip to the "Happiest Place on Earth!" This was a picture I took of the beautiful castle at night all decked out for Christmas!

If you look closely at this picture you can see that it says "World of Color" in the water.. it was showing a lot more clearly than that but my camera wouldn't capture it. I can't even describe to you how brilliant "World of Color" is. Some of the things done in this show can only be described by Disney magic.. if you haven't seen this show yet.. do yourself a favor, and next time you are there... see it! I cried.
This was the picture they snap of you right before they drop you again on the "Hollywood Tower of Terror"... my family and I are on the middle row... and as you can see from my face.. "Tower of Terror" is a pretty accurate name.. but it is so fun!

This is a picture I took in line waiting for "Snow White."


My mom and I waiting for the new "Little Mermaid" ride.. and being that this was my all time favorite movie growing up, I loved this ride!

"Indiana Jones!" (which we rode at least 3 times.. it's the best).

It was an amazing trip. Disneyland or Disney in general will never get old.. and I will never outgrow it!

Disney Food!

For the last few days my family and I were at Disneyland/California Adventure! It was an amazing time (more to come on that later), but on our first day in the park we wanted to try out a restaurant that we had seen Guy Fieri visit on a special Christmas episode of his food show "Diners, Drive-In's, & Dives." It was a restaurant called Cafe Orleans inside Disneyland. I was hoping that the food would be amazing, but unfortunately I wasn't too impressed with the food I (and my brothers) ordered. We started off with some garlic fries that were actually pretty good! Not too garlicy and had a yummy Parmesan taste.

My mom got French Onion soup that I tried a taste of and was pretty good!
My mom and dad got a salad with grilled salmon that was pretty good too (i'm not the biggest fan of salmon though).

and this was the main dish my brothers and I all got... it was not at all what we expected. It was called the "Monte Cristo" sandwhich and it was described as having turkey, ham and melted cheese and said it was "lightly" battered. There was not much meat at all, it was heavily battered (and the batter was sweet) and covered with powdered sugar. It was not that great, but it's presentation was amazing.

That night for dinner we stuck with a place we knew would be great, the "Rainforest Cafe," and it was simple, good food with great atmosphere.

Monday, December 26, 2011

the next few days!

Ok friends, yes, it's true.. for the next few days I will be at Disneyland with the fam! The last of the extended family has left and now we are cleaning up and packing and getting ready to leave in the morning for the happiest place on earth! See you soon!


i love it when my nails and my lipstick can match. = ]

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Christmas day food!

Here's some pictures from the delicious food we had this Christmas day!

Here was the finished cheese cake my mom and I made (topped with my grandma's homemade apricot jam).
My mom and I made lasagna from scratch!

Here was my dinner plate! (delicious!)

Hope you had some yummy food today too!


I was way too spoiled this Christmas! Between my parents, grandparents and brothers I got way more than I could have asked for! My parents gave me some super cute shirts from the Lauren Conrad Collection at Kohls, a ring from Tiffany's, some workout clothes, rain boots, the book "Eat, Pray, Love." the movie "Crazy, Stupid, Love." another Nutcracker to add to my collection, this addorable hat (see picture below), and more!

My grandparents gave me this set of 4 big soup bowls from Anthropologie (one of my favorite stored in the world) that I had been dying to own and I am very excited about!

As I was sitting there and we were all opening our gifts we were exchanging with eachother, I couldn't help thinking, isn't it kind of funny that on Jesus' birthday we give eachother so many gifts?... and when God gave us the greatest gift of all?... makes me think more about the gifts I can give back to him, or to others, through him! Merry Christmas ALL!

Christmas Happy List!

1. Being at home all day with my family

2. Yummy Christmas blend coffee with Peppermint mocha creamer

3. "A Christmas Story"

4. my Grandma's quiche lorraine (soo soo good!)

5. the Christmas story!

6. stockings

7. gifts (mostly watching people open them)

8. my cozy warm bed

9. fires in the fire place

10. Christmas music

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas!

Happy Birthday Jesus!

I love thinking about and reading this story and remember why we celebrate on this day! Merry Christmas everyone! I hope you all have an amazing day with your families and loved ones!

Friday, December 23, 2011

it's a good thing I don't embarrass easily..

See these shoes?.. They just look like normal black, flat boots right? Wrong. They are cute and comfortable and have so far caused a lot of pain in my life but not in the way that you would think...

I have had these shoes for about a month (I got them on black Friday), and on two separate occasions I have taken a spill, and hard, while wearing these shoes. I usually have great balance, but the bottom of these shoes are so dang slippery! I didn't take the time to scuff them up with scissors or anything before now because I figured if I wore them enough that would happen on it's own, guess not.

So today, I'm on my way to work and I'm waiting in a little portable building for the shuttle I have to take to the mall (during the holidays mall employees have to park off-site and be shuttled in), and there was a stair case of about 6 metal steps leading up to this portable I was waiting in.. it was just me and two security guards at this time, and when I saw the shuttle had arrived I said "bye" the the guards and went to get on the shuttle. I took one step down the stairs and my feet flew out from under me and I fell down the stairs and landed on my butt on the ground at the bottom of the stairs! Needless to say, it hurt, but luckily I wasn't embarrassed.. but now my body (mostly my back) really hurts! (and I also scuffed up the bottom of my shoes with a box cutter as soon as I got to work) stupid boots. Hope you all can get a good laugh out of that one!

2 days left!

I can't believe there is only 2 days until Christmas (technically it is only 2 since it's almost 1 am). I feel like there is still so much to do and I know it's going to get here so fast! Today I did more shopping, and I'm still not entirely finished, and wrapped a ton of gifts (see picture below), then went to work at Victoria's Secret where I helped in the madness of finding customers their last minute gifts. I can't wait for Christmas but at the same time half the fun of this time of year is the time leading up to the big day. I hope you all are ready! It's coming up quick! Merry Christmas!

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

a new dinner experience..

the other night my family and I went out to dinner to a super nice Italian restaurant in Carmel called Il Fornaio. I don't usually do too well with restaurants this fancy, meaning if I don't understand everything on the menu, I get a little nervous, but this time I was feeling good about it.

There was a special where you could try 3 different dishes for $30 and I thought that sounded like a great idea (especially since it was dad's treat), and I also got the wine that was listed as the paired wine with my meal! I felt so grown up!
My salad had caramelized nuts, pears, and some really good dressing.

The pasta dish was penne pasta, meatballs, melted cheese and marinara sauce.

My main dish was chicken that was "stuffed" with ham and melted cheese, mashed potatoes and spinach.

The dessert, which was way too rich not to be shared, was a chocolate mousse type dessert on top of a sponge cake, it was delicious and very rich! It was a very yummy dinner experience.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Saturday, December 17, 2011

8 days til Christmas! (guess we're a little behind)

Today we finally got our tree! We've had all of our other decorations up, including a fake tree we put up with themed decorations.. but it just doesn't feel like Christmas until we have our real tree. We ordered some pizza, put on some Christmas music and got out all of our old school decorations that we've had for pretty much my whole life. I love this time of year.

Friday, December 16, 2011

To Do List!


I stole this "survey" from Amanda Noel and I agree with her when she said it reminded her of the "Myspace" surveys we all used to do back in the day..

Right now, I am...

watching: "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows (Part 2)"

eating: nothing.. but I had a super yummy sandwich today made out of ham, brie cheese, caramelized onions and sun dried tomatoes!

drinking: coffee... yes, at 4:24 pm I am still drinking coffee (that's pretty standard)

wearing: gray baggy sweats (so comfy) and a cut off t-shirt

avoiding: I'm not really avoiding much, but I guess you could say I'm avoiding the cleaning I could be doing.

feeling: happy, relaxed, a little hungry.. a little sleepy

missing: i'm not missing too much right now, I'm home and content

thankful: that I am done with this semester of school and home for Christmas break with my whole family!

weather: COLD!!

needing: food.. I have not eaten enough today and I have far too much caffeine in my system

thinking: about a lot of things..

loving: this down time!


Today is the first day in a long time that I can think of where I haven't had anything I've had to do. I woke up mildly early to finish up some baking with my mom, then went to lunch with a friend and now I'm relaxing and watching "Harry Potter" with Cam before I have some dinner and go out with Amanda Noel and some friends to celebrate her sisters 21st birthday! Yeah for Christmas break!

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Subtext and Themes!

I've been working on a paper on "Romeo & Juliet" for my Shakespeare final and it's been getting me to think a lot about the writing of this play. (I've also been thinking about the acting and theatre production of it, but don't even get me started on that). Which has got me thinking... When Shakespeare wrote this play, do you think he had all these ideas in his head of themes he wanted to run throughout the play? Do you think he meant to focus on themes of love, destiny, fate, and use so many different metaphors for light? Was this something he planned or are all of these things just things we have used to analyze and better understand his writing?

I wonder if these were all things he intended for or if he was simply writing a passionate and comedic tragedy with all kinds of complex and significant characters.

Shakespeare, as we all know, has been around and will be around for a very long time and has been extremely influential in both academic and theaterical writing and performances. I started looking at different types of youtube videos for "Romeo & Juliet" and stubled upon some amazing ballet videos of it and distracted for a bit. Ok ok ok, I need to get back to my paper! Almost there!